It is essential that the Security Officer understanding the procedure and practices around searching a person, vehicle or searching clothing or bags. The aim of this unit is to explain basic search procedures.

Searching Procedure

When you have completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • List the conditions that have to be in place before searching can be carried out;
  • Explain a Security Officer's rights of search;
  • Define the 4Ps of searching;
  • Identify the different types of search;
  • State the correct procedures for carrying out personal and vehicle searches;
  • State the actions to be taken in the event of a refusal to be searched;
  • Describe the typical search documentation;
  • State the action to be taken when property is found during a search.

This course is 1 hour long and covers the following topics:

  1. Conditions for Searching
  2. The Four P’s Rule
  3. Permission to Search
  4. Types of Search
  5. Personal Search
  6. Searching clothing and bags
  7. Male Search
  8. Female Search
  9. Vehicle Searches
  10. Refusal To Search
  11. Search Register


All learners that successfully complete all required coursework and training for this course will receive a Certificate of Completion from This shall be emailed to you after your test scores have been reviewed.

Course Price

35 per individual.

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"I though your course on Maritime Security was excellent and I really increased my knowledge of this area."

Gerard Forde

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Unit 3 Renmore Road



Phone: 1890 929 193


Skype: seanstephengriffin


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