There are several sources that generate cash, depending on the nature of the business and periodically this cash needs to be passed to the bank. If large amounts are generated the services of a commercial carrier are frequently used but some firms still prefer to use their own resources.
In this event, if large amounts are moved, consideration must be given to the provision of a secure vehicle. It is not acceptable for staff members to walk down to the bank on a Friday with the weekly takings to be banked.
This course consists of the following units:
- The Vehicle
- The Use of the Vehicle
- On Foot
- Night Safes
- Retention of Cash
- Petty Cash
- Sales
- Cheque Signing Machines
- Cash Dispensers
- Vending Machines
All learners that successfully complete all required coursework and training for this course will receive a Certificate of Completion from This shall be emailed to you after your test scores have been reviewed.
Course Price
€35 per individual.